The Schuyler Difference

What Sets Schuyler Apart in the Bible Publishing World

  1. Uncompromising Readability
    At Schuyler, readability is our top priority. As a specialized publisher, we maintain a singular focus: producing Bibles that are a pleasure to read. While larger publishers must cater to a broad range of editions—such as gift, compact, study, and art Bibles—we are dedicated to one goal: ensuring that every Schuyler Bible offers an exceptional reading experience. 
  2. Unmatched Durability
    Most books are designed to be read only a handful of times. We design our Bibles for daily study and lifelong use. Every stage of production is driven by our commitment to durability—from meticulously sewing pages together to selecting the finest natural grain leathers available. Unlike Bibles made with synthetic materials or glued signatures, which deteriorate quickly with regular use, Schuyler Bibles are crafted to stand the test of time.
  3. Distinctive Design
    We create and develop our own unique typesetting and Bible designs. Signature editions such as the Quentel, Canterbury, Treveris, and Stridon were designed in collaboration with 2K/Denmark, ensuring precision and beauty in every detail. Unlike many publishers who license existing typesettings, we craft our designs from the ground up. (The only exception to this was the NLT Caxton, published several years ago.)
  4. Translations – we currently publish 9 distinctive translations. Schuyler may publish more translations than any other US Bible publisher.
  5.  Ethical Sourcing & Production
    As outlined in a detailed article on our website, Schuyler does not manufacture any part of our Bibles or source materials from China. (This policy is shared by Cambridge and R.L. Allan.) Our covers are crafted in Germany, and our Bibles are printed in the Netherlands. We source our calfskin from Italy and our goatskin from India. Our premium paper is milled in France, from sustainable forestry. Our Wide Margin editions, use paper from Finland.  Additionally, our journals are produced in Germany using paper milled in Spain.
  6. Commitment to Innovation
    We continually refine and enhance our Bibles with every production run. By collaborating with the world’s leading experts in printing, binding, and materials, we embrace innovation while staying true to our commitment to quality. Each edition represents an improvement on the last, ensuring that Schuyler Bibles remain at the forefront of craftsmanship and design.