Schuyler Bible Formats
Schuyler publishes a variety of typesettings in the most well-regarded translations, all designed with beauty and maximum legibility in mind. Here’s a breakdown of Schuyler Bibles by format (not every translation is available in every format):
Double Column, Paragraphed
- Quentel – a full size reference Bible with references and footnotes at the bottom of the page. Most have 11 pt. font, but newer editions (ESV, RSV, and NLT) have 10 pt. font. Has Maps and a Concordance.
- Personal Size Quentel – a smaller version of the Quentel with 8.5 pt. font. Each PSQ matches page for page its larger Quentel version within the same translation. Has Maps, lined Bible paper, and no Concordance.
- Wide Margin Quentel – the same typesetting as the Quentel, with text reduced to 9.5 pt. with wide margins for notes. Maps, Concordance, and lined notebook paper.
Double Column, Verse by Verse
- Canterbury – a full size reference Bible with references at the bottom of the page, available only in the KJV, with 11 pt. font. Maps and a Concordance.
- Personal Size Canterbury and Wide Margin Canterbury – same sizes as the Quentel versions, matching the Canterbury page for page.
Single Column, Paragraphed
- Treveris – a text Bible without cross references or footnotes. 10 pt. font. This is a hybrid “reader” version with the chapter and verse numbers moved out of the text and into the left margin to aid immersion into the text with fewer distractions. The presence of the chapter and verse numbers in the margin makes it easier to find locations when reading in a group setting or listening to a sermon. Has Maps and a Concordance.
Single Column, Verse by Verse
- Stridon – a reference Bible with cross references and footnotes at the bottom of the page. 10 pt. font. Has 1″ margins, Maps, and a Concordance.