Schuyler Quentel NIV, Marbled Mahogany Calfskin Bible
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Marbled Mahogany Calfskin cover with Dark Brown Calfskin liner
2 dark brown ribbons, 1 old gold ribbon and red under gold art gilt
Page size: 6.1″ x 9.1″ x 1.1″
11 pt. font with words of Christ in red
Cross references and Concordance
See Description below for more details.
The NIV Quentel is the best all around classic reference NIV on the market. With a clear, bold 11 point Milo font, opaque paper, references, exclusive Schuyler Bible maps – this Bible will be a joy to read! The typesetting design is from Denmark. The printing and binding took place in the Netherlands.
Marbled Mahogany Natural Grain Calfskin, Dark Brown Calfskin Liner
NIV 2011
11 point Milo font
PDF of Matthew
Words of Christ in Red Letter
54,000 Cross References
Line Matching
28 GSM Paper
Page size: 6.1″ x 9.1″ x 1.1″ (155 mm x 232 mm x 29 mm)
12 mm margins
3 x 1 cm Ribbons: Dark Brown, Old Gold, Dark Brown
Art-Gilt edging (red under gold) with gilt line (gold line inside the cover)
Gold embossing on the Spine
Raised Spine Ribs
Smyth Sewn
Presentation and Family Record Pages
Exclusive Schuyler Bible Maps
Phil Snelling (verified owner) –
An amazing Bible due to it’s beautiful details and fine construction. I enjoy the large and legible font which is crisp on the 36gsm white, line-matched paper. The page signatures are small and finely cut to allow the pages to be leafed easily. The ribbons are a good length; the art gilding is well done. The Marbled Mahogany Calfskin is slightly stiffer than goatskin and the grain fits the description ‘marbled’ with a distinct texture. The Jerusalem cross stamped into the cover is deep and stands out well. On the spire are 6 tooled and raised hubs; the embossing is deeper and finely done with a beautiful crispness.
This Bible can’t be faulted and is utterly beautiful in so many ways. Most importantly of all, I delight in reading God’s Words from it daily.
Thank you Schuyler for publishing such a wonderful Bible.
cyclistdude (verified owner) –
Purchased the NIV in marbled mahogany calfskin as a gift for my wife upon online review and recommendation and was not disappointed, it is superbly constructed with a great feel. The first Schuyler that I’ve held, I like the larger font of the letters and don’t mind the size. The feel of top-quality goatskin (or in this case, calfskin) can’t be beat in my opinion. There is impeccable attention to construction and materials.
The layout is clean and uncluttered, I like the references and footnotes at the bottom, and the paragraph-style layout. Some time ago I purchased a Cambridge Reference NRSV in calfskin and experienced what a premium-bound Bible offers and I wanted the same for my wife.
My wife loves this Bible and has become natural for her to just pick it up. We are devout Christians and what matters is the content, of course, but it is a plus to have Scripture published in such a beautifully-bound book.
fbcterryj (verified owner) –
I received a generous love offering for Christmas from my congregation, and with my wife’s blessing, I ordered the Schuyler Quentel NIV, in the marbled mahogany calfskin, and paired it with a marbled mahogany journal.
My regular carry for over 19 years was a Broadman and Holman genuine leather NIV that I picked up on sale at a children’s conference on a closeout table. It has been an incredible Bible that I will still use in my office, but with the wear and tear, a new quality Bible was much needed.
After consulting a pastor friend who is a fine-Bible scholar, I decided on this one and I am loving it. It is quite simply the most beautiful Bible I’ve ever seen. The quality is unparalleled and the craftsmanship evident on every page.
I love the font size, the layout, and the ease at opening and finding exactly what you need in a timely manner.
I have been preaching with it for over a month, and despite the increase in size over my previous Bible, I do not find it overly cumbersome or too weighty.
To preserve it for as long as possible, I am dedicated to keeping it in the sturdy accompanying box for ease of carry in my ever-present bag.
I purchased the journal to keep me from being tempted to put any marks inside such a work of art. I am enjoying journaling my thoughts as I prepare my messages each week. I do wish the journal had a box to store it in like the Bible.
Overall, I am so pleased with my Schuyler Quentel NIV, I am already scouting my next purchase.
marc.ragusin –
I bought a mis-embossed Bible from the imperfects section. I really love this Bible. I bought to preach and teach from and it is just about perfect for this role.
I really like the change in calfskin covers that Schuyler has made. It’s smoother than it looks in the picture, but looks, feels, and smells high quality. It was a really good decision to add an edge-lined binding on these as it takes the quality of the calfskin Bible up a bunch of notches. I really love this cover.
The text block is classic Schuyler. So sharp and readable. Paper is great. Gilt is great. Just so well done.
I couldn’t be happier with this purchase. After flirting with a few other premium Bibles, I can confidently say that there is no premium Bible like a Schuyler.
Kevin A Tompkins (verified owner) –
I just received my new bible today! It is absolutely perfect! Print size is big enough for these bad eyes of mine, and the show through is a non factor. The line matching is flawless and that combination makes this the most readable bible availble. The paper is extremely nice! The pages turn so easy, and the bible is not too thick. The calf skin is extremely nice as well. Don’t wait..just get it!
John Wright (verified owner) –
I just received my NIV Quentel in marbled mahogany calfskin. It is an incredibly beautiful heirloom Bible with the same high quality construction as Schuyler’s goatskin Quentels. This is the second marbled mahogany calfskin Bible I’ve purchased from Schuyler (the other is an NASB). Hard to believe, but I like them even better than my goatskin versions. Very high praise indeed. I think Schuyler has set a new standard of excellence for premium calfskin Bibles.
Mike Newson (verified owner) –
Ordered to Canada. Took 11 days to get here. No duty or brokerage fees or GST on it, I’m assuming cause its “Religious Goods.” which is good cause converting US to CAN funds brought the Bible to $330. (ouch). I have to say it is a beautiful Bible. I love the antique brown cover and the goat skin is nice, but not as supple as the Goat skin Crossway ESV. I may end up liking that better though as the ESV is too flimsy. The font is a good size for preachers over 50 lol, but not as bold as I’d like. The 36 GSM paper is a good thickness and opacity, but it is rather yellow. Maybe that’s why the print doesn’t pop. I do like the verse numbers being bolder. Christ’s words in red are not the washed out pink colour that many Bible have, and even being red/green colour blind, I find it easy to read. The concordance in the back is excellent, but much smaller in font size than the rest of the Bible. It isn’t a light Bible, but I like that. It lays relatively flat (I’m sure will improve with wear) with a generous enough gutter that the text doesn’t bleed into the spine. Overall, it is a beautiful Bible and a good buy, albeit expensive, but it is a tool of the pastoral trade. Thank you Christmas bonus lol.
Liz R (verified owner) –
Oh my goodness, this has quickly become my favorite Bible. The marble brown is my favorite color out of all the leather colors I’ve seen from Schuyler. It’s rich and has some complexity to it in different lights. Admittedly, I’ve done some cleaning house with regard to the excessive number of Bibles I owned haha, giving some away to new believers, or believers who wouldn’t otherwise have a nice Bible, and selling others. And I’ve naturally and comfortably settled on a combination of NASB for deep study, and NIV as a daily reader. This Schuyler is easily the nicest NIV Bible in its category, along with the Clarion for the portable personal size NIV. We’ve almost become spoiled with the Schuyler Bible lines, haven’t we? And we are tremendously blessed to read the Holy Word in such fine form.
Marcus (verified owner) –
I now have five Schuyler bibles and this one is my favorite. As repeatedly mentioned above the bible is a darker brown than pictured. In fact, on the first page of Schuyler NIV’s it looks barely distinguishable from the British Tan but it is much darker. What can I say that hasn’t been said? The bible is excellent all around. I will say that I was initially put off by the red letter but have come around to liking this one. While I still would prefer it black letter, they have done an excellent job in getting red letter right. Highly recommended!
Ray Anderson (verified owner) –
I received my copy at the end of January, and I am completely satisfied with it. The color was a little darker than I expected, but light greatly affects the look of the color. It is beautiful.
ann mcmahon (verified owner) –
The Quentel setting has elevated the NIV! I really appreciate the layout and readability of this Bible, easy on the eyes, and in such elegant goatskin! I find that the antique brown is also a very upscale color and simply stuns! The use of paragraph references that are noted in various chapters of this Bible make this particular Quentel unique. I also enjoy the “red letter” as it is neither too dark or too light. Great job Schuyler!
Matthew (verified owner) –
This bible has met every expectation. The paper is thick, creamy, smooth and the text jumps off the paper. The text in black is bold and the red letter matches everything perfectly. Its not a bright red either, it is dimmed to meet the black quite a bit. I love the antique brown. I struggled between the British Tan and Antique Brown. After much debate, and with the help of customer service I landed on Antique Brown and love it. It matches perfectly with the honey gold ribbons and page endings. Its a pleasure to smell and hold in your hand. Most of the time I prefer verse by verse to read and preach out of but the double column doesnt sacrifice readability and is a pleasure to read and preach from. Congrats Schuyler and evangelical for creating and putting a product out that makes you want multiples.
Steve (verified owner) –
All I can say is wow. The brown is a bit darker than the picture as an FYI, but this is an amazingly beautiful, perfectly crafted Bible. A work of art. Schuyler knocked it out of the park. It’s the perfect size for me, not too bricky. The paper is beautiful and opaque, and with line-matching you get no ghosting whatsoever. The font type used and size of font makes for one of the most enjoyable reading experiences I have ever had with a Bible, and I’ve owned quite a few Allan’s! This Bible is my new #1. Way to go Schuyler! (And hats off to for always having amazing customer service and super fast shipping!)
W. Steven (verified owner) –
Great color maybe a touch darker than pictured…super opaque paper…don’t like red letter normally but this is so well done I like it…dark red not light pink…you won’t be disappointed!!!!!!